Half and Full Marathon + Insanity: Asylum Hybrids.

I know that are many who have asked for Asylum half and full marathon hybrid schedules. I have also received some comments on how many of my hybrid schedules are ‘too advanced’ so I encorporated more rest time in this schedule. For both the half and full marathon hybrids there are two rest days. The first is mandatory on day 7 where you will either take a complete day off or do some light stretching at the most. The second rest day is optional. Day 5 of each week is scheduled for ‘Back to Core’; but you can opt to take a day off instead. This may come in handy for the day before the 16, 18, or 20 mile long run weeks. In every hybrid that I have actually used for half or full marathons over the past year, the vertical plyo workout has been an excellent tool. Here in Southern California most of the races have uphill portions, so my gains in leg strength and endurance have really helped. In addition, on the rare occasion where I do a flat course my speed gain has been phenomenal. Feel free to comment if you end up using the hybrid. I always look for ways to improve my schedules. For more hybrids or excel versions of this hybrid, feel free to visit my hybrid page.


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